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    College Of Medical Lab. Science Parasitology Practical sem (1) exam
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    ①- what is the possible parasitic cause of such condition ②- What is the infective stage ③- What is the intermediate host ④- name other clinical conditions associated with this infection ⑤- How can you diagnose such case
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    Medical entomology –practical (spot)
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Semester exam Medical entomology –practical (spot)
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    Soft tick
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    classification Class :Arachnida Order: metastigmata Family :Argisade Genus :Argas Species :Argas persicus Genus :Ornithodors Species: Ornithodors moubata complex
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    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    3minutes for each question 1-Platyhelminthes includes: A- flukes B- cestodes C- tape worms D- A&b
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    Stool analysis
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Collection of specimens Collect approximately 100g of faeces in a clean, dry container without preservatives. A screw-top container is most suitable. Make sure that any adult worms or segments passed are included
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    Scabies mites
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    classification Class: Arachnida Order : Astigmata Family: Sarcoptidae Genus: Sarcoptes Species: Sarcoptes scabeiei
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    Risk assessment
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Definition Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable
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    Parasitology quiz group B
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    1) Cyst of Giardia lamblia contain: A) Para basal body B) 2 nuclei C) axonemes D) A and C E) B and C
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    Parasitology department
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Parasitology department Parasitology quiz
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    Classification of protozoa
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Protozoa definition Unicellular (single celled ) micro organism. General characters of protozoa Simple, single celled micro organism , consisting of a nucleus and cytoplasm. Nucleus contains karyosome and chromatin granules.
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    Sample 1
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Parameters Phosphorus : 2.2 mg/dl ( low ) Magnesium : 1.9mg/dl Calcium :9.4 mg/dl Glucose : 102 mg/dl Cholesterol :205 mg/dl ( high) LDL : 137 mg/dl ( high) Triglycerides : 132 mg/dl HDL : 37 mg/dl CONTIUED K : 3.3 mg/dl ( low) Na : 138 mg/dl
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    Plasmodium vivax
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Discovery Haemamoeba vivax Grassi and Feletti, 1890 Epidemiology Mostly occur in Asia , Latin America and some parts of Africa P.vivax originate from Asia P.vivax cause benign tertian malaria
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    Plasmodium ovale
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    History described in 1914 by Stephens Geographical distribution sub-Saharan Africa and islands in the western Pacific P. ovale is able to infect individuals who are negative for the Duffy blood group, which is the case for many residents of sub Saharan Africa. This explains the greater prevalence of P. ovale (rather than P. vivax) in most of Africa.
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    Plasmodium falciparum
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Disease Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum is referred to as falciparum malaria , formerly known as subtertian (ST) or malignant malaria ( MT) . It is the most serious form of the disease and the most wide spread , accounting for up to 80% of malaria cases worldwide .
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    Permanent stains for fecal specimens
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Permanent stains for fecal specimens 1- Modified Rapid Field's Stain 2- Modified Ziehl-Neelsen 3- modified Trichrome Stain 4- Giemsa stain
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    Mid semeter
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Answer all questions Q1} Define: plumose antennae? Q2}Why antigenic based test is most preferable?
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    Parasitology quiz 1
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    1) Military worm is the another name of: A) A. duodenalis B) S.stercoralis C) hook worms D) E. vermicularis E) T. spiralis
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    Paragonimus westermani
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Common names Lung fluke , oriental lung fluke, Japanese lung fluke.
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    Open quiz
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    Open quiz Nematodes
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    Parasitology gallery
    (جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري, 2018) Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
    William C.Campell & Satochi Omura for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites