In Vitro Anticercarial Activities of some Sudanese Medicinal Plants of the Family Combretaceae

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جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري
Abstract-Eight ethanolic extracts of four Sudanese medicinal plants belonging to the family Combretaceae were investigated for their anticercarial activity. Those extracts were of Combretum aculeatum (leaves and roots), C. hartmannianum (leaves), C. glutinosum (leaves, stem and roots) and Terminalia laxiflora (leaves and seeds). All extracts showed varying degrees of anticercarial activity against cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni within 6 hours period of time. Cercariae exposed to Terminalia laxiflora seeds extract showed 100% mortality at concentration 5 ppm after one hour. Lowest calculated LC90 of C. glutinosum stem was 3.71 ppm after 3 hours of exposure, LC90 of C. glutinosum leaves was 5 ppm after 6 hours, of C. aculeatum leaves was 8.78 ppm after 2 hours, of C. aculeatum roots was 12.6 ppm after 5 hours, LC90 of Terminalia laxiflora leaves was 13.48 ppm after 6 hours, LC90 of C. glutinosum roots was 23.64 ppm after 6 hours and LC90 of C. hartmannianum leaves was 38.58 after one hour of exposure. Preliminary phytochemical screening conducted on studied plant extracts revealed that they are rich of tannins, unsaturated sterol and/or triterpenes, saponins and flavonoids. MTT assay verified the safety of the examined extracts. Index Terms: Cerceria, Schistosoma mansoni, Combretaceae