Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Contamination Water Supply in Shendi City-Sudan

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Middle East Research Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Background: Microbial contamination of water persists to be a significant problem; the usual source is human and animal fecal matter that has contaminated the water systems. The presence of bacteria and pathogenic organisms is of great concern when considering the safety of drinking water, as pathogenic organisms can cause watery diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever, and other illnesses. Objective: This is a prospective tap water examination study to find groundwater microbiological fecal contamination. Materials and Methods: Water samples for laboratory examination were collected from a different area of Shendi city, which were classified as Tap water. Each sample was a collection in a sterile container and then isolated and Confirmation by biochemical test. Results: Tap water samples were found to be contaminated with E. coli about 80 (63.6%) samples, an indicator of contamination with the fecal matter of animals and humans. It was the isolation of other Gram-negative enteric bacteria such as Salmonella and pseudomonas these were not scientific indicators of water contamination by animal and human fecal matter. Conclusions: Tap Water was contaminated with feces and posed a health risk to consumers of that water and was found to be contaminated with E.coli bacteria. Future studies are needed to understand the complicated issues concerning water quality in the city. Community-led sanitation and hygiene education and better water source protection are urgently required.
Hala Krim Eldin Abd Alrazig et al.; Middle East Res J. Microbiol Biotechnol., Jan-Feb, 2024; 4(1): 6-9