Evaluation of Iron Profiles and Coagulation Profiles in Ischemic Heart Diseases Patients in Elmer Nimr Hospital, Sudan
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Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad,
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جامعة الشيخ عبدالله البدري
Back ground chemic heart disease (IHD) isa constellation of diseases that includes
stableangina,unstableangina,myocardialinfarction,andsuddencardiacdeath.It belongs to the group of
cardiovascular diseases and is the most common type among them. Iron is an essential trace element .it
plays an important role in maintaining various cellular function and enzymatic reactions. On the other hand,
excessive intake of iron is known to be a risk factor for the progression of atherosclerosis. Abnormal iron
deposition in the heart causes hem chromatists and dilated cardiomyopathy, which leads to is chemic heart
disease .Objectives :This study aims to investigate the role of serum iron ,serum ferritin ,total iron-binding
capacity(TIBC), PT, and PTT in is chemic heart disease(IHD)and their relationship with other risk factors for
IHD This is a prospective, case-control, cross-sectional analytical study conducted at Elmer Narmer
University Hospital, Shendi City, to assess their on profile and coagulation profile of patients with is chemic
heart disease. The study included
(30) patients diagnosed with is chemic hear the diseases and the study group was compared with the mean
of the control group (20). Serum iron ,ferritin ,and TIBC were estimated using a Spectro photo meter ,and
PT and PTT were estimated using manual methods. Data were collected using a structured personal
questionnaire and the program (SPSS) version(11.5)was used for data analysis
In this study, patients with is chemic heart disease were (40%)male and (60%) female. In this study, iron
averaged (41.0) ug/dl (Value 0.010), ferritin averaged (233.0) ug/dl (Value 0.000), and TIBC averaged (44.0)
μg/dl. Was shown. (Value 0.000) compared to mean controls (27.0), (162.0), (56.0). A significance difference
was found between their on profile and his IHD. This study showed the mean PT,PTT for cases (13.4),
(40.4) (P-value 0.024), (P. value 0.009) compared with the mean for controls (12.0), (35.1). A significant
difference was found between the coagulation profile and IHD Cardiovascular disease (CVD)isa type of
disease that affects the heart ,blood vessels(arteries ,capillaries, veins),or both[1]. Cardiovascular diseases
refers to all diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, primarily heart disease, cerebral and renal
vascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease [2]. The causes of cardi vascular disease are varied ,but
at her sclerosis /or hyper tension are the most common [3]. In addition, a variety of physiological and b
biochemical changes alter cardiovascular function in association with aging, leading to an increased risk of
subsequent cardiovascular disease, even in healthy a symptom at in individuals[4].Cardiovascular disease
is leading cause of death.In2008, 30% (30%)of fall deaths worldwide were due to cardio vascular disease.
Mortality from cardiovascular disease is also higher in low- and middle-income countries, as more than 80%
of all cardiovascular deaths occur in these countries [5].It is also estimated that by 2030 more than 23 million
people will die annually from cardio vascular disease [5,6]. The causes, diagnosis ,prevention ,control, and
/or treatment of all forms of the cardiovascular disease continue to be an active area of biomedical research
,with hundreds of scientific studies published each week. I'm here. In 2013, coronary heart disease
(CHD) was the leading cause of death worldwide, with (8.14)million deaths ( 16.8%) compared with
(5.74)million deaths12%)in1990 [7]
the risk of dying from(CAD) at a given age decreasedbetween1980and2010,especiallyindeveloped
countries[8]The number of cases of (CAD) in a given age group alsodecreasedbetween1990and2010[9].In
the United States in 2010, approximately (20%)of (ages 65+) had (CAD (CAD),while(7%)and(1.3%) (Ages
45–64) (CAD) of (18-45 years old) Now. (10) More Mentha women at alienage [10].The Sudan H house
hold Survey(SHHS)reported a prevalence of heart disease (2.5%). Hypert tensive heart
disease(HHD),rheumatic heart diseases(RHD), ischemic heart disease(IHD),and cardiomyopathy account
for more than (80%) of(CVD) in Sudan [6]. Heart disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality yin
Sudan. Hypertension (RHD), (IHD), and cardio myopathy account for the majority of four (CVD).Hyper
tensions common and poorly controlled [11]. Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing
risk factors such as to because, unhealthy diet obesity ,physical inactivity, hypertension, diabetes, and
elevated lipids. More than half of the heart disease deaths in 2009 were men. Coronary heart disease
(CHD)is the most common heart disease causing more than (385,000) deaths each year[6]. Ischemic
heartseases associated with progressive mechanical obstruction, dynamic obstruction, plaque
inflammation, instability, and rupture, followed by super imposed thrombosis . Clinicians are employ in
additional tools to aid clinical assessment and improve their ability to identify &quo that -risk "e; patients
who are at risk for cardiovascular disease[12,13].Bio mark arrasene of the tools to better identify at-risk
individuals ,diagnose medical conditions quickly and a cure lately ,and effectively diagnose and treat sick
patients. Biomarkers can be measured in biological samples (as blood, urine ,or tissue tests), can be human
records (blood pressure, electrocardiogram, or holder), or imaging tests (echocardiogram).Normally very
small amounts of iron are present tin most body cells, plasma ,and other extracellular fluids ,under body
strictly limits its iron supply so that every day (0.1%)of the body's microcontents lost. maintain. Mainly
in desquamated cells [14]Iron `s high activity is a two- Edged word, and free iron ions in the body also
participate in destructive chemistry ,primary catalyzing the formation of toxic free radicals .Iron play role in
the process of at hero sclerosis by catalyzing the formation of free radical and also this contributes to
reperfusion Damage .High serum ferric tin concentration was associated with increased risk of my dial
infarction, independent of major cardiovascular risk factors. Abnormal deposition of iron in the heart cause
phenom at sis and dilated cardiomyopathy and this causes or imaging tests (echocardiogram).Normally very
small amounts of iron are present tin most body cells, plasma, and other extracellular fluids ,under body
strictly limits its iron supply so that every day (0.1%)of the body's microcontents lost. maintain. Mainly
in desquamated cells [14]Iron `s high activity is a two- Edged word, and free iron ions in the body also
participate in destructive chemistry ,primary catalyzing the formation of toxic free radicals .Iron play role in
the process of at hero sclerosis by catalyzing the formation of free radical and also this contributes to
reperfusion Damage .High serum ferric tin concentration was associated with increased risk of my dial
infarction, independent of major cardiovascular risk factors. Abnormal deposition of iron in the heart cause
phenom at sis and dilated cardiomyopathy and this causes causing is chemic heart disease [1].Coagulation
play roe in is chemic heart disease ,increase plasm a level so coagulation in are associated with an
increased risk of my ocarina infarction The orthro in time alone is derived from measures of prothrombin in
ratio{PR}and intermate on abnormalized ratio{INR] are essays evaluating the extrinsic pathway bayan dc
ammonal way of coagulation. They are used to determine the clotting tendency of blood in homes of war
farinose[2]. The role of blood clotting activation such as elevated circulating level of Amar cero fathom Bing
enervation and fibro in peptide A in the occurrence of angina in I s chemic heart disease[3].Activated
thromboplastin tin time issued to monitor the effects of the part non intrinsic pathways and detect defects in
factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, and the common pathway .This study concluded that serum levels of iron ,ferret in
,TI, BC ,PT ,and PTT may be associated with is chemic heart disease.