Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, BSC (honors), MSC1,2Mohammed Abdelgafoor Abdelgadir Salih, MD2Mohammed Omer Mohammed Hussein, BSC, MSC, PGA2Sufian Khalid Mohammed Nor3Haifaa Mohamed Saeed MD2Fatima Omer Mohamed BSC22023-11-272023-11-272020-11-23 COVID.19 Pandemic is a real disaster facing the globe, and up to date its uncontrollable , due to absence of data about the real mechanism upon which this virus overcome immune system and induce lethal symptoms certainly among aged and those with low-level of immunity. MNAD hypothesis based protocol aimed to measure validity of combination Minocycline as antibiotic, N. acetyl cysteine as antioxidant, aspirin as anticoagulant and vitamin D as immune regulator to treat COVID.19 infection. This protocol opened and implemented by any institutions or health authority after permission of the corresponding author of it.otherMNAD Hypothesis Based Protocol Proposed for Treatment of COVID.19: Assessment of Minocycline, N. acetylcysteine, Aspirin & vitamin D (MNad) Theory for treatment of COVID.19 Adults Patients