Saeed Mohammed2023-11-262023-11-262021-03 bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic and debilitating functional gastrointestinal disorder that affects 9%-23% of the population across the world. The percentage of patients seeking health care related to IBS approaches 12% in primary care practices and is by far the largest subgroup seen in gastroenterology clinics. It has been well documented that these patients exhibit a poorer quality of life and utilize the health care system to a greater degree than patients without this diagnosis. IBS is referred to as a functional disorder, which means that there is nothing wrong with the actual structure of patient bowel. Rather, the problem lies with how it is working. Several methods or techniques are used in the diagnosis of the diseases. One of them is using physical exam. During a physical exam the doctor listens to sounds within the patient abdomen using a stethoscope. The aim of this project is to study the movements of the Bowel, which represent the Bowel sound (BS) since they are the noise produced by the movement of gas and fluids during peristalsis, and construct a recording system that can detect and analyse these movement. So that a system was created capable of recording bowel movement and displaying the signal on the screen so that it is equipped with bowel frequency, which helps the doctor diagnose Irritable Bowel Disease through frequency. The project was examined on 10 people, and we found out that one of the patients had irritable bowel disease, as the bowel frequency was more than 500 HZ, while the rest of the people had a normal bowel frequency, meaning that they were not infected. اىَيخص يرالسيح انقٕنٌٕ انؼظثٙ ْٙ خهم فٙ ٔظٛفح انقٕنٌٕ يًا ٚؤد٘ إنٗ حذٔز اػطزاتاخ ذؤشز ػهٗ األيؼاء انغهٛظح فٙ انجٓاس انٓؼًٙ ، حٛس ذظم َسثح انًظاتٍٛ فّٛ 9%-23% يٍ سكاٌ انؼانى، ٚٔشكم َسثح 12% يًٍ ٚسؼٌٕ انٗ ذهقٙ انزػاٚح انظحٛح نٓذا انًزع، حٛس آَى ٚسإًٌْ تأكثز َسثح يزػٗ سجهد فٙ ػٛاداخ أيزاع انجٓاس انٓؼًٙ . يغ انؼهى تأٌ ْؤالء انًزػٗ ٚؼٛشٌٕ حٛاج طؼثح رغى خؼٕػٓى نُظاو رػاٚح طحٛح تذرجح أكثز يٍ غٛزْى يٍ يزػٗ انجٓاس انٓؼًٙ . ٔتًا أٌ يرالسيح انقٕنٌٕ اػطزاب ٔظٛفٙ ، يًا ٚؼُٙ أَّ ال ٕٚجذ خهم فٙ انرزكٛة انفؼهٙ أليؼاء انًزٚغ .ذكًٍ انًشكهح فٙ ٔظٛفرٓا ٔأدائٓا . ٚرى اسرخذاو ػذج ؽزق أٔ ذقُٛاخ فٙ ذشخٛض االيزاع . احذٖ ْذِ انطزق ْٙ اسرخذاو انفحض انثذ،َٙ أشُاء انفحض انثذَٙ ، ٚسرًغ انطثٛة إنٗ األطٕاخ داخم تطٍ انًزٚغ تاسرخذاو انسًاػح انطثٛح. ٓٚذف انًشزٔع انٗ دراسح حزكح األيؼاء ٔانرٙ ذًصم أطٕاخ األيؼاء حٛس أَٓا َاذجح ػٍ حزكح انغاساخ ٔانسٕائم داخم األيؼاء ٔتُاء َظاو ذسجٛم االشارج انُاذجح يٍ حزكح األيؼاء ٔتانرانٙ ذشخٛض يزع انقٕنٌٕ انؼظثٙ .تحٛس ذى اَشاء َظاو قادر ػهٗ ذسجم حزكح االيؼاء ٔػزع االشارج ػهٗ انشاشح تحٛس ذكٌٕ يشٔدج ترزدد االيؼاء انذ٘ ٚساػذ انطثٛة ػهٗ ذشخض يزع انقٕنٌٕ انؼظثٙ يٍ خالل انرزدد .ذى فحض انًشزٔع ػهٗ 10 اشخاص ٔنقذ ذثٍٛ نُا أٌ احذ انًزػٗ يظاب تًزع انقٕنٌٕ انؼظثٙ تحٛس كاٌ ذزدد االيؼاء اكصز يٍ 500 ْٛزذش ايا تاقٙ االشخاص كاٌ ذزدد االيؼاء ؽثٛؼٙ تًؼُٗ آَى غٛز يظاتٔ.ٍٛذى ٔػغ انؼذٚذ يٍ انظٕر انرٙ ذحرٕ٘ ػهٗ اشارج االيؼاء يغ انرزددotherSubmitted to the College of Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering