Esraa E K Abdurrahman1*Mona A M Mageed22023-12-062023-12-0620191858-943X Faidherbia albida Dell. (Mimosodceae), locally known as alharaz. All plant parts have an important role in traditional medicine except for the root part. The study aims to quantify the alkaloids in the Faidherbia albida root chloroform extract and to assess the antifungal activity of the roots chloroform extract against three pathogenic fungi: Aspergillus fusarium, Aspergillus fulvus, and Candida albicans. The primary phytochemical analysis of chloroform extract showed the presence of alkaloids, diterpenes and flavonoids, Saponins and phytosterols, but glycosides were not detected. The yield percentage of the raw maceration extract is 3.8%. In thin-layer chromatography (TLC), it revealed the detection of one compound under U V light as light blue spots (RF 0.833). The total alkaloid content in the chloroform roots extract was 121.142mg AE/g, while the total phenol content is 53.960mg GAE/g. The extract at concentration 200mg/ml revealed no inhibition effect against all microorganisms tested except Candida albicans (17mm). This study found that Faidherbia albida contains a high concentration of alkaloids compared with the other plant parts and moderate phenol content compared with the leaves part, as well as anticandidal activity against both the standard and isolated strain tested.otherKeywords: Ringing Mobile phone, ECG heart rate, rhythm, chest pocket level, healthy adult. Abbreviations: ECG Electrocardiogram, HR Heart Rate