Abdelhakam H. AliHuzafia Abdallah Khalid SaadMossab Balla Abdallah AbdalrahemMosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad2023-11-272023-11-272022-04-02https://ds.eaeu.edu.sd/handle/10.58971/520Abstract: Rota virus is the second causes of diarrhea among childrenIn Sudan [2]. The current study was conduct to detect rotavirus gastroenteritis among vaccinated children Methodolgy: A total of59 diarrheal samples was collected from children with acute diarrhea admittedto Mohammed AL Amin Hamid paediatric Hospital throw period from October to November 2019, ELISA was dine to detect Rota virus antigen. Result: Out of 59 samples 84.7% was vaccinated were 15.3% was unvaccinated.in total of 50 vaccinated children 30% is re-infected with rota virus with acute to chronic illness and show positive antigen with ELISA. Conclusions: vaccinated children is infected with rota virus and symptoms is occurs samples for virus antigen was record positive result in ELISA this may related to other genotype or serotype or mutation.otherSeroprevalence of Rotavirus among Selected Group of Sudanese Children