امجد محجوب ابراهيم نقد اللهحسين عمر حسين عليسيف الاسلام حسب الله التوم الامين2023-11-142023-11-142022-03-01https://ds.eaeu.edu.sd/handle/10.58971/249This research is to determine the average speed of pedestrians at intersections in the city of Atbara, and the speed is calculated by dividing the distances by time, after measuring the length of the pedestrian crossing and determining the time of pedestrian crossing for each age group. / s, for females 1.20 m / s, for the category (13 - 29) years, males 1.19 m / s, for females 1.01 m / s, for the category (30 - 65) years, males 1.06 m / s, and females 0.94 m / s, and for the larger group of 65 years The average pedestrian speed for males is 0.98 m/s, and for females is 0.89 m/s. By comparing the average speed for males and females, we found that the average speed of males is greater than females for all age groups, and that the total average speed of pedestrians in the city of Atbara is 1.23 m/s.otherتحديد سرعة المشاة عند التقاطعات بمدينة عطبرة