Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad2023-12-122023-12-122017-08-182349-8870 Introduction: Malaria transmitted through blood transfusion occurring in malaria has been reported and documented endemic areas leading to severe illness for the recipients. Methods: Hundred blood donors were enrolled, 2 ml of EDTA anticoagulated blood was collected from each donor for thin and thick blood smears and (ICT). Results: Malaria parasites were detected in 12% by microscopic examination, and 6% by (ICT). Conclusion: The results clearly demonstrate occurrence of malaria parasites in blood transfusion donors in Kosti Teaching Hospital, which may result in transmission of infection. Each findings it is recommended that blood donors must be screened for malaria parasites.otherSCREENING OF MALARIA PARASITES AMONG BLOOD BANK DONORS IN KOSTI TEACHING HOSPITAL, WHITE NILE STATE, SUDAN