Abduwahab Abakar Fadil,Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim AhmedMagdi Babikir OmerNahla Ahmed Mohammed AbdelrahmanNassreldeen Khalid AbdelrahmanMosab Nouraldein Mohammed HamadAbdulwahab Abkar Fadel Mohammed2023-11-272023-11-272021-09-05https://ds.eaeu.edu.sd/handle/10.58971/517Abstract: Background: In both industrialized and developing nations, contact lenses have become a popular substitute for eyeglasses. However, unpleasant reactions can develop during contact lens usage in some cases, and a variety of microorganisms—including bacteria, fungus, and free-living amoebae—may cause a variety of eye infections. The goal of this study was to identify contaminated bacteria from contact Wearers. Method: With the use of sterilized cotton swabs, samples were taken from eye lens solution bottles and cultivated directly on solid medium. All samples were inoculated onto blood agar and MacConkey's agar and cultured at 37°C for 24-48 hours. Cultures were declared negative if no growth was detected after 48 hours. On the basis of culture diagnosis by growing on medium and completing biochemical tests, bacteria were identified using Gram's staining. A structured interview questionnaire was used to collect data, which included demographic data as well as risk variables. For data input and analysis of the patient demographic information, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences application (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 20 was used. Simple descriptive statistics were used to assess the results of the culture, biochemical test, gram stain, and demographic data. Every two variables were compared using the Chi-square test. A statistically significant p value was less than 0.05. Result: A total of 150 samples were taken from an aqueous solution of contact lenses in order to isolate microorganisms. Bacteria were isolated from 84 samples in an aqueous solution, whereas 66 samples were found to be growth negative. Pseudomonas aeurogenosa was the most often isolated bacterium, with 39 (46 %), Stapylococcus epidermidis 27 (32%), Staphylococcus aureus 12 (14 %), and Escherichia coli 6 (7%), respectively. Conclusion: The research demonstrates a range of bacteria in the contact lens solution under evaluation, with pseudomonas bacteria being the most frequent. In addition, users who shared contact lenses had more isolated bacteria encounters. The most preventive factor was found to be high compliance with lens care practices, whereas inadequate compliance with hand washing before wearing lenses was associated to a high contamination rate.otherBacterial Keratitis in Contact Lens Wearers in Khartoum