Prevalence Of Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus Among Children (5-15) Years in River Nile stat —Berber—from April — July 2017

This is a cross sectional study carried out in river Nile state Berber during the period from April to July 2017 conducted in ELsheikh Abdullah Elbadri university, to isolate and identification of group A beta hemolytic streptococcus pyogen in children in 5-15 years old. One hundred throat swab sample were taken from children suffer from symptom of sore throat by using sterile cotton swabs. Swabs were inoculated directly in Amie’s transport media then cultured in blood agar plate. the plates were inoculated aerobically at 37°C for 24 hours. Identification of group A streptococci was done by using colonial morphology, gram stain, biochemical test. 73 of it were positive give the percentage 73% positive, 27% negative. A comparison of the frequencies of positive result in female 43 (58.9%), and male 30 (41.1%) , all of the positive result complicate fever 68 (93.2%) ,bad breath 45(61.6%) ,swelling in tonsils 56(76.7%) recurrent infection 57(78.1%),there is no skin rash in all cases. Most of positive result isolated from Gambarat village and most of them were female between 5-10 years old.