Assessment of Liver Enzymes (ALT – AST) among Cigarette Male Smokers in River Nile State, Sudan

Abstract Smoking use is widely spread throughout the world. The effect of smoking on human health are serious and, in many cases, deadly. This is a cross-sectional study conducted during the period from April 2018 to measure ALT & AST activities between smokers and nonsmokers. Thirty smokers were selected as the test group and thirty nonsmokers as the control group (age was matched (30-65)). Blood specimens were collected from both groups, and serum ALT &AST activities were determined by using an auto-analyzer (Mindary). Insignificant in means of serum AST &ALT activities in smokers when compared to the control group. The results also showed an insignificant correlation between age and serum AST&ALT activity. Statistical analysis also showed an insignificant correlation between the duration of smoking and serum AST&ALT activity. The result also showed an insignificant correlation between the number of cigarettes per day and serum AST & ALT. No correlation between AST & ALT activities with duration of smoking per year, no correlation between AST & ALT activities with age, and no correlation between AST &ALT activities with several cigarettes per day.